17 Jan 23
- 15 Feb 23
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Multiple Day Event
Online Event
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Pricing Information
$1995.00 USD

Certified Professional Coach

Becoming a Certified Professional Coach (ICF approved / 30 hours / ACSTH) is the first step and it starts with full participation in five 90-minute online classes followed each time by an assignment designed for immediate application of the information from class.

Following the class portion of the program is a coaching practicum to experience coaching hands-on as a coach, being coached, and observing coaching. At the end of the practicum is a case study that creates a review of a coaching relationship.

ICF has approved this program for 30 hours of ACSTH. The Center for Coaching Certification is also accredited by IACET for 30 hours/3 CEU plus accredited by AICI to offer 30 hours/3 CEUs.

After the Certified Professional Coach program, the next step is the Certified Master Coach program, approved for 35 hours, which means completing the training hour requirements for membership or the ACC credential. Mentor Coaching groups for the ACC requirement are scheduled regularly.

Event schedule or other information/comments
Program schedule located here: https://www.coachcert.com/training/certified-professional-coach/certification-program-schedule.html
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : ACSTH
HOURS by type:   
CC : 30    RD : 0
Number of events : 90
Number of languages : 2