14 Mar 23
Event Time
Your Time Zone
1 hour 30 min
Online Event
Event type
Internal coaching
Paid event
ICF Chapter Member Price : $0.00 USD
ICF Global member Price : $0.00 USD
Non member Price : $45.00 USD

ICF Internal Coaching Community of Practice – Cultivating Resilience During Uncertain Times

Join the Internal Coaching Community of Practice and Rachel Karu on March 14, 2023, from 12 noon – 1:30 p.m. EST (New York) for a session on Thriving in Your New Normal – How to Cultivate Resilience During Ongoing Change. We have now been in an altered state due to the pandemic for over 3 years. As we create this new normal it is crucial that we take care of ourselves, our businesses, our families, and others. As Coaching Professionals, we thrive at being in service to others and sometimes forget to put our “oxygen mask on first.” Please join this interactive and engaging workshop to come together as a community to increase our personal resilience by focusing on the foundational Resilience Facets: Self-Awareness, and Social Connection / Social Support. The session will provide advanced tips and tools which will support you personally as well as better serve your clients.
*This session has been tentatively approved for 1 CCE unit in Core Competency and 0.5 CCE Units in RD.

Event schedule or other information/comments
This is a Community of Practice learning activity. Successful completion of this learning activity is worth 1 CCE unit in Core Competency and 0.5 CCE units in Resource Development. Once enrolled, this learning product will be found under your "My Learning Activities" tab. Please come back to this product on the date and time listed above to log into the webinar using the launch button on the blue live webinar box. Attendees will be able to log into this webinar 15 minutes prior to the session's start time.
To claim credit for this session: After the webinar has ended, please locate the blue learning checkpoint box and click the "launch" button to complete the Learning Checkpoint. Attendees must answer all questions correctly in order to claim credit.
Maximum participants: 500
Type of coaching:
Internal coaching
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 1    RD : 0.5
Number of events : 116
Number of languages : 11