28 Nov 23
Event Time
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1 hour 15 min
Online Event
Event type
Coaching for social impact
Free Event

Climate Crisis and Eco-anxiety – The crucial role of Coaching in shifting mindset and addressing the climate emergency

Last summer, the reality of the climate crisis and its consequences became more tangible than ever. A seismic shift in our worldview and in individual and organisational behaviours is necessary if humanity is to preserve the world and its biodiversity as we know it.
Our guest speakers, two professional climate change coaches, will illustrate with concrete examples how coaching has proven to be effective and impactful in supporting individuals, businesses and NGOs in tackling the human behaviour change challenge that comes with such a necessary, social transformation.

What you will learn:
– How coaching can help individuals, organisations and society to face the urgent and overwhelming climate and ecological crisis
– What climate coaching is, why it is specific and necessary
– Best practices and success stories developed by pioneer climate coaches
– What the Climate Coaching Alliance is and what you can do to join other like-minded coaches and bring your own contribution

Maximum participants: 50
Type of coaching:
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 1.25    RD : 0.25
Number of events : 116
Number of languages : 11