29 Apr 25
- 15 Jul 25
Event Time
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Multiple Day Event
Online Event
Event type
Education Program
Pricing Information
$895 USD

Coach Inner Development with Dreaming & Imagery

The Coach Inner Development with Dreaming & Imagery class works with both night dreams and inner imagery to help coaches develop numerous capacities and ICF Core Competencies in the service of coaching others, including: intuition and self-awareness, hearing and working with metaphor and pattern in client dialogue, determining necessity among numerous challenges or blocks, and identifying self-perspectives that are brought into a coaching session and learning tools to gain additional or different perspectives.

Dreamwork itself builds a capacity to listen beyond words because the unexpected material of dreams forces us to include emotional and energetic shifts when hearing an individual recounting their dream, as well as noticing body language and non-verbal expressions, gestures, and vocal intonations, among other aspects of communication.

Imagery exercises are short prompts given while the participant closes their eyes, and which take no longer than 1 minute.

Event schedule or other information/comments
Course meets:
Tuesdays | April 29 – July 15, 2025
10am – 12pm Eastern US

Schedule includes:
2 hours online 1x/week for 12 weeks (synchronous)

Plus, each week includes approximately 30 min of homework + one final reflection activity at the end of the course (asynchronous)

The work is experiential, therefore no recordings are made. Please make sure you can attend all of the dates so that you will be credited for the course. We ask all participants to have cameras on during Zoom.
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:   
CC : 29    RD : 4
Number of events : 101
Number of languages : 3