07 Mar 25
Event Time
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1 hour
30 min
Online Event
Event type
Diversity & Inclusion
Free Event
Difficult Conversations in Coaching through DEIB Lens
While dealing with DEIB issues, as coaches we often encounter situations that invoke “difficult conversations”. While they may appear as difficult as walking on the egg-shells, it’s unequivocally important for a coach to be courageous and explore the possibilities.
When we as coaches understand our own limitations and boundaries in managing difficult dialogues, we can elevate our clients’ success even further.
Event schedule or other information/comments
In this interactive session, together we will learn more about: - Anatomy of a “difficult conversation”
- Drawing a boundary - where can we go as coaches and where not
- Asking the “right” question at “right” time
- Risks and pitfalls of initiating difficult conversations
- Strategies to navigate the challenges as coaches
Maximum participants: 100
Type of coaching:
ICF core competencies & coaching skills
ICF core competencies & coaching skills
Remaining: 37
CCE UNITS by type:
CC : Pending approval RD : 0.5
CC : Pending approval RD : 0.5
Other events from the same organiser
Number of events : 102
Number of languages : 7