04 Apr 25
Event Time
Your Time Zone
1 hour 30 min
On site event
Zoku, Amagerfælledvej 108, 2300, Copenhagen S
Event type
Free Event

ICF Denmark invites you to our first in-person meet-up for international coaches in Copenhagen!

This is the first of many gatherings aimed at fostering connections and collaboration among international coaches in Denmark.

Over the years, we have received many requests for events in English, as Denmark is home to a diverse coaching community from around the world. We have listened, and we are excited to create this space for you.

Who is this for?
✅ Internationally minded coaches who want to connect with fellow coaches
✅ Coaches establishing or growing their business in Denmark
✅ Coaches interested in learning more about ICF Denmark

What can you expect?
🤝 Opportunities to meet like-minded professionals
🌍 Sharing experiences of coaching in an international environment
🗣️ Events and discussions in English
💡 A chance to co-create by suggesting topics of interest

We look forward to welcoming you, Anna Korosadowicz & Sophie Herschtel Keldsen

Maximum participants: 40
Type of coaching:
Remaining: 21
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0    RD : 1.5

Other events from the same organiser

Number of events : 105
Number of languages : 7