01 May 25
- 30 Jun 25
Event Time
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Multiple Day Event
Online Event
Event type
Education Program
Pricing Information
$1,250 USD

Retirement Life Coach Certification

With the Retirement Life Coach Certification, you will master research-backed insights into the social and psychological aspects of retirement. You will explore retirement-specific adjustments, experiences, and coaching strategies, enabling you to provide tailored support for clients navigating this transition.

With this certification, you will be equipped to:

-Assess the planning and adjustment needs across key areas of retirement wellbeing
-Identify common retirement beliefs and misconceptions
-Pinpoint where clients are in their retirement journey
-Tailor coaching methods to fit client situations and preferences
-Discuss retirement coaching strategies with clients and supervisors
-Deliver targeted, evidence-based coaching that addresses key underlying needs for achieving wellbeing in retirement

This certification includes 10 self-study modules and 3 live webinars for group discussion among coaches. A self-paced option is also available for coaches unable to attend live webinars.

Event schedule or other information/comments
Live webinars are held on May 15, May 29 & June 12 (Thursdays, 9 - 1030am Pacific Time).

May 1- May 13: Complete self-study modules 1-3

May 15: Live webinar 1

May 15- May 27: Self-study modules 4-6

May 29: Live webinar 2

May 29 - June 10: Self-study modules 7-10

June 12: Live webinar 3

June 12 - 30: Complete final exam and client case reflections
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:   
CC : 9    RD : 6
Number of events : 101
Number of languages : 3