01 Apr 25
Event Time
Your Time Zone
12 hours
Online Event
Event type
Professional development
Paid event
ICF Chapter Member Price : 60 USD
ICF Global member Price : 60 USD
Non member Price : 60 USD

Reciprocal Coaching Circle: Spring 2025

This paid coaching arrangement pairs each participating coach with both a coach who coaches them and a client who they coach. It is considered paid coaching and counts toward ICF credentialing. The purpose is to provide members with an opportunity to practice coaching skills and obtain paid coaching hours.

ICF Upstate New York provides administrative support by arranging pairings. Once pairings are communicated to participants, it is up to the participants to reach out to determine the next steps and coaching agreement.

All coaching sessions should be completed by or shortly after the end date.

Registration deadline: Friday, March 21, 2025.

Participants will receive their pairings (who they will Coach and who will be their Coach) by Friday, March 28, 2025.

Maximum participants: 50
Type of coaching:
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0    RD : 0

Other events from the same organiser

Professional development
28 Mar 25
Number of events : 108
Number of languages : 8