23 Apr 25
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Online Event
Event type
Professional development
Free Event

Coaching gym – Peer Coaching Initiative

How flexed your “coacheps” are? Ready to take up a challenge to go to a coaching gym together with peers from other ICF chapters? This is an opportunity for practicing specific coaching skill with other English-speaking colleagues. It will be a one-time event that you will need to devote 90 minutes to – just like going to the gym. You will introduce yourself briefly and then you’ll be invited to a virtual breakout “fitness” room in triads. Each person will coach for 15 minutes and get 5 min feedback from the observer. Then you’d switch so that every person in the triad has taken the role of a coach, of a client, and of an observer. You are free to decide at the beginning of the fitness triad if you’d like to practice a skill, a tool, or a competence.

If you want to continue coaching with the people from the triad, you can exchange your contacts during the event and schedule future sessions on your own.

Maximum participants: 100
Type of coaching:
Remaining: 100
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0    RD : 1.5
Number of events : 109
Number of languages : 8