21 Mar 22
- 22 Apr 22
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Online Event
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Education Program
Pricing Information
1000 USD USD

Level 2 Certification: HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN Holistic Wellness Facilitator Training

Event Start Date: Monday, March 21, 2022 5:30 PM CST
Event End Date: Friday, April 22, 2022 7:30 PM CST

Dates and Times:

March 21 – April 22, 2022
Mondays and Wednesdays
5:30-7:00pm CST via Zoom

5 weeks – 20 hours 15 hours of tele-classes 2 hours of homework 3 hours mentorship

Dr. Lisa Leit

Course Description:
This 5-week, 20-hour HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Coach Training can be taken as stand-alone training, or as Level 2 in the HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Coach certification program.

$1000 (discounted if part of the All-in-One Program)
In this course, you will learn tools to effectively facilitate the HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Program to individual clients in the context of one-on-one coaching sessions. The first segment provides an overview including the context for the program. In the second part of the course, coach trainees learn how to administer the HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Self-Assessment, a comprehensive and psychometrically sound online assessment, and support individual clients as they learn to improve their personal and relationship well-being through in structured and results-oriented ways.

ICF-trained coaches can use this assessment and paradigm-shifting program as a way to evoke awareness, earn trust, and to empower clients to bring their most authentic self “to work” as they clarify and work towards short- and long-term desired outcomes. As coaches will be working beyond ego, the HWH program sets the Socratic Method co-created discovery process up for optimal, measurable, and permanent success.

Course Materials: HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Handbook by Dr. Lisa Leit (provided and required) Optional supplemental materials
Application Process: Enrollment is limited and contingent upon completion of the application process.

Certification Requirements
Each course offered by the HWH Institute of Holistic Wellness includes an online final comprehensive exam.

Event schedule or other information/comments
To pass, students must pass the exam and complete all assignments with a 75% average or above and attend all live Zoom classes (you may make up to two missed classes per level by watching class videos and completing in-class assignments) and the intensive in-person training in Santa Fe. In the event that a student is not able to pass one of the classes, s/he will need to retake the class and all subsequent levels within three years, or additional tuition will be due. Upon passing each coach training level, students will receive certificates of completion which may be submitted to the International Coach Federation and the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners as proof of training hours towards ICF and ACHE certification and/or continuing education requirements. HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® Holistic Wellness Coach Certification: Practicum review, all assignments due, mentorship hours complete, and comprehensive oral and written exam by February 24, 2023.
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : ACSTH
HOURS by type:   
CC : 20    RD :
Number of events : 101
Number of languages : 3