27 May 25
Event Time
Your Time Zone
1 hour 30 min
Online Event
Event type
Paid event
ICF Chapter Member Price : 20 USD
ICF Global member Price : 20 USD
Non member Price : 20 USD

Avoiding Compassion Fatigue in Coaching with Dr. Julie Luscombe

As coaches we listen well with presence. Whilst it is a privilege to act as a thinking partner and witness someone on a growth journey, working with the human condition can take an emotional toll! Supervision plays an essential part but is only one piece of the jigsaw that helps us to stay focused, balanced and in service to those we work with. Perhaps we have heavy client caseloads or work as internal coaches whilst juggling other priorities. Perhaps we are solo self employed coaches (as myself) trying to juggle all the aspects of running a business alongside client work.

We can be at risk of compassion fatigue and/or burnout as recognised by the ICF. This session will use the boiling frog analogy to raise awareness of the insidious nature of these conditions and how easily they can creep up on us, impacting all aspects of our lives and certainly our coaching presence and practice.

Maximum participants: 100
Type of coaching:
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0.75    RD : 0.75

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Number of events : 103
Number of languages : 8