27 Feb 25
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Online Event
Event type
Professional development
Paid event
ICF Chapter Member Price : 0.00 USD
ICF Global member Price : 10.00 USD
Non member Price : 10.00 USD

From Adversary to Ally: How to Coach the Inner Critic

Regardless of the type of coaching we do, we all run into the brick walls built by that voice in our heads that says we’re not good enough in one way or another. We recognize it in ourselves and see it everyday in our clients. It’s the biggest block we all experience and one that really holds us back, in business, in relationships, even in discerning our life purpose. But how do we help our clients move past the critic in a way that is effective and sustainable without having to be a therapist? That’s what we’ll explore in From Adversary to Ally: How to Coach the Inner Critic.

Learning Objectives:

Create a strategy for dealing with negative self-talk
Design messages that are supportive and rooted in personal circumstances
Use the steps taught to begin a new daily practice that will reprogram thoughts

Learn more about this program here: https://youtu.be/WVBpormN8h8

Maximum participants: 100
Type of coaching:
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 1    RD : 0.5

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