17 Apr 25
Event Time
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1 hour 30 min
Online Event
Event type
Team coaching/effectiveness
Free Event

Team Coaching: Building Your Own Approach

Team coaching in organisations is still a relatively new discipline, and there exist multiple perspectives on what team coaching is and how best to go about it. In this webinar we will discuss ten existing topics of debate, including philosophical (e.g. what is a team? what does a team coach do?) and practical (e.g. can I coach by myself or do I need a partner? can I coach individuals on the team at the same time as coaching the team? etc …). These debates are characteristic of a new discipline and there are no straight answers. Nevertheless, many writers take a definitive position on some of these themes, and (as I know as a coach supervisor) the team coaching practitioner can become confused as to what they are supposed to be doing.

Event schedule or other information/comments
In this webinar I introduce you to a framework whereby you can build your own (evidence-based) practice model, cutting through much of the current confusion that permeates the team coaching world. Along the way I will share insights I have gleaned from a meta-study in which I read more than 500 articles on team effectiveness and various books written on team coaching. I will share ten cool ideas, each of which may earn a place in your own personal approach to team coaching.

To help you get started in building your personal team coaching model, I will share my team coaching model with you, helping you translate good ideas and personal philosophies into pragmatic, practical approaches to working with teams.
Maximum participants: 100
Type of coaching:
Coaching in organisations
Remaining: 45
CCE UNITS by type:   
CC : 0    RD : 1.5

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