19 Oct 24
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Life Coaching isn’t Just for Grownups – 3 Skills all Kids Should Learn Before Age 10 (Free; 1 CCE)

REGISTER: https://adventuresinwisdom.com/coaching-kids-icf/?utm_source=icf-website&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=wcc-e-web-3skills-cce&utm_term=ICF-cal-1hr&utm_content=3skills

When faced with challenges and disappointments, most kids don’t have the tools to handle them. As a result, they often get down on themselves – developing belief systems that can hold them back in life. As coaches, we’ve seen the impact of childhood events on our adult clients.

Coaching isn’t just for grownups. It’s a game changer for our youth when they learn how to break through limiting beliefs and proactively create supporting beliefs to handle the ups and downs of growing up and reach their full potential.

In this session coaches learn about three mindset skills that all kids can learn at a young age and how they can use stories and activities to coach kids (the skills work for grownups too!).

Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:   
CC : 1    RD : 1
Number of events : 101
Number of languages : 3