06 Jan 25
- 07 Jul 25
Event Time
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Multiple Day Event
Online Event
Event type
Education Program
Pricing Information
£3,300 (incl. taxes) GBP

Mentor Coach Training

We equip experienced ICF-credentialed coaches to provide professional Mentor Coaching services for ICF credentialing. Participants must hold a minimum of a ICF PCC credential.

This virtual programme covers an in-depth understanding of the ICF Core Competencies, how the PCC Markers are used for assessment purposes and how to provide effective feedback as a Mentor Coach.

It will also provide opportunities to practice Mentor Coaching with other participants as well as engaging with an external Mentee as part of the programme’s curriculum. Attending this programme participants meet the requirements of Mentor Coaching and receive 39 CCE units, it will also significantly deepen and enhance their own coaching capabilities. This programme also serves as an advanced coach training programme for anyone who wants to further develop their skills as a coach and acquire more CCE units and coach training hours as part of their ongoing continuing professional development.

Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:   
CC : 31.5    RD : 7.5
Number of events : 101
Number of languages : 3