08 Oct 23
- 03 Mar 24
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Multiple Day Event
Online Event
Event type
Education Program
Pricing Information
2599 USD

Professional Coach Certification Programme

The programme guides you through the ABCDE of coaching

Module A includes various assessments and reflective practices that help you to become more aware of yourself and establish your vision, goals, and values.

Module B focuses on the ‘Being’ of a Coach. It entails who a coach is and establishes this as the foundation for a successful coaching profession. It reviews the role mindfulness plays in a coach’s life and expands on the ethics and standards ICF coaches must abide by.

Module C digs deeper into the ICF core competencies of coaching. Each competency is reviewed and put into practice under various scenarios.

Module D reviews and reflects on assignments and tools as you bring learnings from previous modules into real-life coaching scenarios.

In module E, discover the role that energy, emotion, empathy and engagement play in coaching.

Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : Level 1
HOURS by type:   
CC : 60    RD :
Number of events : 111
Number of languages : 3