04 Apr 25
- 20 Jun 25
Event Time
Your Time Zone
Multiple Day Event
Online Event
Event type
Pricing Information
500.00 registration fee + $3000.00 (one time pay) or $500.00 registration fee + three payments of $1100.00 each USD


THE CONFIDENT GRIEF COACH CERTIFICATION PROGRAM is for licensed, certified, or other helping professionals who desire to provide coaching services to clients struggling with loss. You will acquire all the knowledge, tools and resources to deliver the proven B.R.E.A.T.H.E. Coaching Model for Grief to your clients who have experienced significant loss.
We are about changing the paradigm of grief through the use of positive psychology tools, neuroscience, Human Design, ancient Chinese wisdom connecting emotion with physical healing, and ICF core coaching competencies to support clients create lives where grief coexists with peace, purpose and joy.

Event schedule or other information/comments
Course Design:
• 12 ninety-minute live virtual weekly group practicum sessions
• Self-paced recorded learning modules with knowledge assessments
• One Private Human Design virtual coaching session with Certified Human Design Coach
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : CCE
HOURS by type:   
CC : 22    RD : 12
Number of events : 111
Number of languages : 3