13 May 25
Event Time
Your Time Zone
1 hour
Online Event
Event type
Probono coaching
Career coaching
Career Group Coaching
Do you have career questions or challenges? Do you want help being heard, building alliances, or reaching your goals? Join us!
To celebrate ICW 2025, I’m offering two 60-minute group coaching sessions.
Leadership coaching can help you maximize your personal and professional potential. As a mom, scientist, and founder I look forward to partnering with you to discover how your strengths can lead you to greater fulfillment in all areas of your life.
In our group coaching sessions, we share goals, learn practical strategies, and partner to hold each other accountable. The session content is driven by your goals.
Event schedule or other information/comments
By signing up for this event you are also opting in to receive an occasional email from me about future opportunities. I am also offering a group coaching session on 15 May at 10 am PDT/5 pm GMT.
If you would like to know more about me, see https://www.linkedin.com/in/venezky/ or http://sparklingleaders.com
Maximum participants: 15
Type of coaching:
Career coaching
Career coaching
Remaining: 12
Other events from the same organiser
Number of events : 81
Number of languages : 4