12 May 25
Event Time
Your Time Zone
1 hour
Online Event
Event type
Probono coaching
Professional development

Free On-on-one Coaching – 1 Hour

This is a free coaching session for one person. Before we meet, please think about your answers to the four questions below, which I’ll ask in our session. You do not have to send answers to me before we meet. The questions:

1. What is important for me to know about you culturally to understand who you are? This can be anything you wish to share with me.
2. What would you like to know about me culturally to understand who I am? This can be anything you wish to ask me.
3. What is the important challenge or goal you wish to discuss in our time together?
4. What do you want to walk away with by the end of our time together?

Again, you do not need to send me answers in advance. If you want to share your answers before we meet, you can e-mail me at dhannasch@awareandwilling.com.

I look forward to meeting you soon.

Maximum participants: 1
Type of coaching:
Remaining: 0

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