12 May 25
Event Time
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1 hour
Online Event
Event type
Life coaching

The Power of Being Coachable – Writing Campaign to Expand Awareness – World-wide Participation

Imagine this: More than 200+ professional coaches flood the digital space with an article they have written to celebrate ICW 2025. But imagine if every article is carrying the same title, the same hashtags, and is linked to every other article through a shared association! Imagine how the combined effort would make for a provocative and interesting splash to raise the awareness of professional coaching around the world! Wanna play??

Through Coach Terri Hase, and the Global Coaches Coalition, on May 12th, 2025, the first day of ICW, this is exactly what’s going to happen!

Participating coaches worldwide will unite for International Coaching Week, spreading the life-changing message about the need to be a coachable person. On May 12th, 2025, our goal is to have over 200+ coaches from around the globe, publish articles under the shared title, “The Power of Being Coachable.” Together, we’ll flood the digital space with our stories!

Event schedule or other information/comments
There will be three pre-event support and information meetings on Zoom, all of which are optional. There will be a post event Zoom celebration, which is also optional, but we sincerely hope you come to connect! All languages can participate, but the Zoom calls and resources provided wil be in English.
Maximum participants: 500
Type of coaching:
Remaining: 488
Number of events : 81
Number of languages : 4