Open yourself to new learning and experiences. Join the global coaching community from May 12 – 18 to celebrate the power and impact of professional coaching during International Coaching Week.
As the International Coaching Federation marks its 30th anniversary in 2025, we invite you to be part of this milestone celebration. Make plans today, celebrate ICW with ICF, and enjoy a life-enriching coaching experience!
Select your Event:
Number of events : 167
Number of languages : 10
Date | Your time zone |
Event time |
Language | Title | Seats left |
Organizer |
10 May 25 | 10:00 (America/Chicago)
English |
When Your Client Tells You They Are Autistic
10 May 25 - 10:00 (America/Chicago) - English
121 | Heather Cook | |
10 May 25 | 08:00 (America/Los_Angeles)
English |
Get it Done! ADHD Accountability Session!
10 May 25 - 08:00 (America/Los_Angeles) - English
129 | Dina Venezky | |
11 May 25 | 11:00 (America/New_York)
English |
Unlock Transformative Coaching: Discover Somatic Coaching Techniques with the Genco Method©
11 May 25 - 11:00 (America/New_York) - English
Full | Tijen Genco | |
12 May 25
- 19 May 25 |
09:00 (Asia/Singapore)
English |
Experience Impactful 1:1 Pro Bono Coaching with Interactive Miro Dashboards
12 May 25 - 09:00 (Asia/Singapore) - English
4 | J.K. Chua | |
12 May 25 | 09:30 (Asia/Bangkok)
English |
Coaching in the dark? Revealing blind spots for true holistic client transformation!
12 May 25 - 09:30 (Asia/Bangkok) - English
35 | Fernando Hettiyadura | |
12 May 25
- 16 May 25 |
00:00 (America/New_York)
English |
1:1 Laser Coaching Session to step into a new story of possibility
12 May 25 - 00:00 (America/New_York) - English
Full | Nathalie Pincham | |
12 May 25
- 19 May 25 |
16:00 (Australia/Brisbane)
English |
1:1 pro bono executive coaching
12 May 25 - 16:00 (Australia/Brisbane) - English
Full | Zsofia Juhasz MCC | |
12 May 25 | 01:00 (America/Chicago)
English |
Free On-on-one Coaching - 1 Hour
12 May 25 - 01:00 (America/Chicago) - English
1 | Dick Hannasch | |
12 May 25
- 19 May 25 |
16:00 (Australia/Brisbane)
English |
1:1 pro bono coaching supervision
12 May 25 - 16:00 (Australia/Brisbane) - English
Full | Zsofia Juhasz MCC | |
12 May 25 | 09:00 (Europe/Madrid)
English |
Integrating The Art of the Spanish Tortilla, NLP, and the ICF Core Competencies
12 May 25 - 09:00 (Europe/Madrid) - English
130 | Seamus O Muircheartaigh | |
12 May 25
- 18 May 25 |
00:00 (America/Vancouver)
English |
1:1 Coaching Supervision
12 May 25 - 00:00 (America/Vancouver) - English
3 | Jocelyne Hamel | |
12 May 25 | 03:00 (America/Chicago)
English |
Free On-on-one Coaching - 1 Hour
12 May 25 - 03:00 (America/Chicago) - English
Full | Dick Hannasch | |
12 May 25 | 10:00 (Europe/Amsterdam)
English |
Beyond the Change Myth: Unveiling the Neuroscience Behind the 3 Brains Approach to Real Transformation
12 May 25 - 10:00 (Europe/Amsterdam) - English
18 | Christoffel Sneijders | |
12 May 25 | 16:00 (Asia/Singapore)
English |
Coaching in 2025: Game-Changing Innovations Driving Leadership & Business Growth
12 May 25 - 16:00 (Asia/Singapore) - English
72 | J.K. Chua | |
12 May 25 | 10:00 (Europe/Rome)
Italian |
12 May 25 - 10:00 (Europe/Rome) - Italian
1 | tania campanelli | |
12 May 25
- 16 May 25 |
10:00 (Europe/London)
English |
FULL WEEK Elevate Your Coaching Practice: Experience Week
12 May 25 - 10:00 (Europe/London) - English
456 | Rebecca Daniel | |
12 May 25 | 11:00 (Europe/Rome)
Italian |
12 May 25 - 11:00 (Europe/Rome) - Italian
Full | tania campanelli | |
12 May 25 | 12:00 (Europe/Rome)
Italian |
Il contratto di Coaching. Un accordo umano prima che formale
12 May 25 - 12:00 (Europe/Rome) - Italian
26 | Sara Elena Cattoli | |
12 May 25 | 13:00 (Europe/Rome)
Italian |
12 May 25 - 13:00 (Europe/Rome) - Italian
Full | tania campanelli | |
12 May 25
- 16 May 25 |
14:00 (Europe/Madrid)
English |
Integrating a Compass Coaching Mindset
12 May 25 - 14:00 (Europe/Madrid) - English
95 | Seamus O Muircheartaigh | |
12 May 25 | 13:30 (Europe/London)
English |
Cultivating Coaching Readiness: Drawing Forth Masterful Thinkers
12 May 25 - 13:30 (Europe/London) - English
107 | Clare Norman | |
12 May 25 | 15:30 (Europe/Madrid)
Spanish |
Vivir del Coaching
12 May 25 - 15:30 (Europe/Madrid) - Spanish
124 | Jorge Vila | |
12 May 25 | 16:00 (Europe/Rome)
Italian |
"Scopri la forza che sei"
12 May 25 - 16:00 (Europe/Rome) - Italian
Full | Maria Teresa Bernasconi | |
12 May 25 | 11:00 (America/New_York)
English |
ICF Health and Wellness Community of Practice - The Brain, Behavior, and You: Unlock Your Coaching Superpower with Applied Behavioral Science
12 May 25 - 11:00 (America/New_York) - English
CHECK HERE | ICF Learning & Development | |
12 May 25 | 17:00 (Europe/Amsterdam)
English |
Beyond Leadership: The Power of Team Coaching to Multiply Your Impact
12 May 25 - 17:00 (Europe/Amsterdam) - English
Full | Hana (Hang) Ngo | |
12 May 25 | 10:00 (America/Chicago)
English |
Free On-on-one Coaching - 1 Hour
12 May 25 - 10:00 (America/Chicago) - English
1 | Dick Hannasch | |
12 May 25 | 17:00 (Europe/Amsterdam)
English |
Beyond the Change Myth: Unveiling the Neuroscience Behind the 3 Brains Approach to Real Transformation
12 May 25 - 17:00 (Europe/Amsterdam) - English
81 | Christoffel Sneijders | |
12 May 25 | 11:00 (America/New_York)
English |
Transform Adversity: Resilience Through the Genco Method (ICF Coaching Week Special)
12 May 25 - 11:00 (America/New_York) - English
90 | Tijen Genco | |
12 May 25 | 17:00 (Europe/Rome)
Italian |
12 May 25 - 17:00 (Europe/Rome) - Italian
Full | tania campanelli | |
12 May 25 | 18:00 (Europe/Rome)
Italian |
12 May 25 - 18:00 (Europe/Rome) - Italian
Full | tania campanelli | |
12 May 25 | 12:00 (America/New_York)
English |
The Power of Being Coachable - Writing Campaign to Expand Awareness - World-wide Participation
12 May 25 - 12:00 (America/New_York) - English
482 | Terri Hase | |
12 May 25 | 18:00 (Europe/Rome)
English |
Ecosomatic coaching: coaching within the ecosomatic continuum
12 May 25 - 18:00 (Europe/Rome) - English
93 | Diana Tedoldi | |
12 May 25 | 17:00 (Europe/London)
English |
Build your Portfolio Career as a Coach
12 May 25 - 17:00 (Europe/London) - English
14 | Servane Mouazan | |
12 May 25 | 18:30 (Europe/Rome)
Italian |
Dal "Cosa" al "Chi": il valore dell'ignoranza
12 May 25 - 18:30 (Europe/Rome) - Italian
39 | Roberto Rigati | |
12 May 25 | 19:00 (Europe/Rome)
Italian |
Sessione di coaching
12 May 25 - 19:00 (Europe/Rome) - Italian
1 | Stefano Pistorio | |
12 May 25 | 10:00 (America/Los_Angeles)
English |
Confidence Through Identity and Belonging: a social identities workshop
12 May 25 - 10:00 (America/Los_Angeles) - English
87 | Emma Pineda Fortin | |
12 May 25 | 11:00 (America/Denver)
English |
The Heart of Success: Celebrating and Elevating Middle Managers
12 May 25 - 11:00 (America/Denver) - English
72 | Amanda Moss, MSLOD, PCC | |
12 May 25 | 10:30 (America/Los_Angeles)
English |
Activate Your Brain Team to Overcome Obstacles!
12 May 25 - 10:30 (America/Los_Angeles) - English
122 | Dina Venezky | |
12 May 25 | 20:30 (Europe/Rome)
Italian |
Il contratto di Coaching. Un accordo umano prima che formale
12 May 25 - 20:30 (Europe/Rome) - Italian
46 | Sara Elena Cattoli | |
12 May 25 | 12:00 (America/Los_Angeles)
English |
Culturally Responsive Coaching: Lessons from the Asian Women Coaching Collective
12 May 25 - 12:00 (America/Los_Angeles) - English
78 | Mo Lei Fong | |
12 May 25
- 18 May 25 |
18:30 (America/Santo_Domingo)
Spanish |
Sesiones Coaching Probono
12 May 25 - 18:30 (America/Santo_Domingo) - Spanish
19 | Martha Reynoso | |
13 May 25 | 09:00 (Asia/Singapore)
English |
Find Your Why, Design Your Life: The Ikigai Coaching Experience for High Achievers
13 May 25 - 09:00 (Asia/Singapore) - English
93 | J.K. Chua | |
13 May 25 | 10:30 (Asia/Singapore)
English |
Unlock the Power of Values: Evidence-Based Coaching for Lasting Impact
13 May 25 - 10:30 (Asia/Singapore) - English
14 | Kevin Kan | |
13 May 25 | 01:00 (America/Chicago)
English |
Free On-on-one Coaching - 1 Hour
13 May 25 - 01:00 (America/Chicago) - English
1 | Dick Hannasch | |
13 May 25 | 10:00 (Europe/Rome)
Italian |
13 May 25 - 10:00 (Europe/Rome) - Italian
Full | tania campanelli | |
13 May 25 | 09:00 (Europe/Lisbon)
Portuguese |
Treinar para Vencer: Lições do Desporto de Elite para a Liderança e as Equipas
13 May 25 - 09:00 (Europe/Lisbon) - Portuguese
500 | ICF Portugal | |
13 May 25 | 03:00 (America/Chicago)
English |
Free On-on-one Coaching - 1 Hour
13 May 25 - 03:00 (America/Chicago) - English
1 | Dick Hannasch | |
13 May 25 | 16:00 (Asia/Singapore)
English |
Design a Purposeful Life & Career: Discover Your Raison d’etre with Ikigai Coaching For High Performance
13 May 25 - 16:00 (Asia/Singapore) - English
94 | J.K. Chua | |
13 May 25 | 11:00 (Europe/Rome)
Italian |
13 May 25 - 11:00 (Europe/Rome) - Italian
Full | tania campanelli | |
13 May 25 | 10:00 (Europe/Lisbon)
English |
Tame your inner Saboteur Monster and turn it into an ally
13 May 25 - 10:00 (Europe/Lisbon) - English
488 | ICF Portugal |