The Coaching Solopreneur – How to build a Coaching Business with Sustainable Foundations

Are you thinking about setting up as an independent coach offering your coaching services now that you are qualified?
Are you a coach who is already offering their coaching but finding running a coaching business harder than you expected?
Being a solopreneur coach can be a lonely and a more difficult profession to launch into if you have not spent time thinking about the business you are intending to run and your why for running it.
Building a sustainable business to house your coaching practice starts with knowing what to build and why!
Kate has built a sustainable business that houses her coaching services and now is ready to share the coaching house model that can help you build your approach to being a coaching solopreneur.
In building her own coaching business over the last five years the insights have led to her new book “The Coaching Solopreneur” where she shares the common lessons learnt and how to prepare and plan for what you need to build into your unique coaching house.
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