08 Apr 22
- 19 Aug 22
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$4850.00 USD

Foundational Cohort

The Foundational Cohort will complete the Certified Professional Coach, the Certified Master Coach, and the Mentor Coaching Programs as scheduled.

This program starts April 8 th 2022 and ends August 19th, 2022.

This cohort is designed to provide the required training and mentor coaching hours plus engage you in the learning opportunity that prepares you for the Coach Knowledge Assessment and supports you in evaluating your recording prior to submitting. Following are full overviews of each program.

Certified Professional Coach
Designed to develop the Core Competencies of a coach plus provide a model, coaching processes, and tools for you to start coaching. There are five live, interactive, online classes followed by homework assignments, and then a group session. For the Coaching Practicum you will Coach, Be Coached, and Observe Coaching. During the practicum you will have a homework assignment in preparation for your second coaching session – expect 3 hours to complete it.

Event schedule or other information/comments
The final is a case study review during class.

Learning Outcomes:
• Explain the parameters of coaching
• List the Core Competencies
• Discuss the Code of Ethics
• Identify and coach different personal styles
• Use listening, assertive communication, and questioning techniques
• Recognize and adjust to V-A-K styles, Meta Models, and Meta Programs
• Coach for proactive goal setting and action planning

One-on-One Coaching Session: Schedule your one-on-one coaching session individually to plan getting started with your coaching hours. To support you engaging coaching clients and completing the required coaching hours, we also provide information and resources on business and marketing plus offer a free Q&A call each month.

Certified Master Coach
Designed to expand your knowledge and application of the Core Competencies of a coach, prepare for the Coach Knowledge Assessment, and add tools and techniques for your coaching.
Number of Coach Specific Education Hours:
ICF accreditation type : ACTP
HOURS by type:   
CC : 75    RD : 0
Number of events : 101
Number of languages : 3